Will You Pray?


I lay in my bed praying and crying, the pain I had was excruciating. Please Lord, why can't I get well? I ask him pleadingly. I had prayed to be healed, my family and friends had prayed for me and I still was flooded with arthritic pain in my hands.


I had closed my eyes in prayer, the tears flowing down my face, I was seriously praying from the depths of my soul. Suddenly, in a flash, my mind was showing me a scene out of my past. I was standing in front of an older woman, in the aisle of the church we attended when I was a teenager. She held out both of her hands, that were twisted from arthritis, and she said, "I'm hurting so bad, will you pray?


I remember that dear lady, and I remembered telling her I would pray for her. But I never prayed for her. I remembered telling others I would pray, but forgetting them and my promise as soon as I left their side. I immediately saw the lesson the Lord wanted me to see. I had promised to pray for people and because I hadn't felt their pain, I didn't have  the compassion enough to follow through on my promise to pray.


I sincerely repented for all the times I hadn't cared enough to pray for people in their particular pain. I was still crying but they were tears of repentance for all the people I had let down by not praying for them, at the time and point of their need.


A few weeks later I was free from pain, all because I had people around me that could pray in faith, and I learned I could pray a prayer that the Lord would hear, because I learned a lesson in compassion.


I haven't had any arthritic pain for over twenty five years.  I Thank my Dear Lord, I was healed, and learned an important lesson. I've prayed faithfully for those who ask, and many people that I've just heard of their problem.


Will you pray?

Someones pain won't go away until you pray, in the warmth of Christ's compassionate love, until you feel their hurt enough to fervently lift them up in prayer to Jesus Christ.


Will you pray?

Someones heart is broken, and the heart ache won't go away, until you pray!


Will you pray?


Someone feels lost inside, dirty and shameful, they can't see any hope for their life, no way of escape from the darkened dump they're dwelling in, their current existence isn't really living, it's a doomsday existence and death is the only road they are seeing.


Will you pray?


Life's pathway is strewn with battered, bruised, and broken people, whose bodies, souls and spirits have been abused by destructive, deceiving people in their lives.

It's time to answer their requests for prayer.

Will you pray?


 Let's show Jesus Christ's compassion, as we unite with one accord to lift up our voices in prayer. Let us pray, with a full volume of voices from around the world for one another.


Will you pray? Pray until the answer arrives?


Prayer intercessors  have compassion for you, and are there to support you in sincere prayer, until they hear your testimony of answered prayer they will continue to pray.


Will you pray? When you join a prayer group, you are vowing to pray until the answer arrives!


When you place your prayer request before Prayer Intercessors in a Prayer Community, will pray sincerely for you until you tell them in your testimony, that your prayer has been answered.


Conditions of Successful Prayer



2 Chronicles 7:14 - If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


Contrition - A feeling of regret for one's sins or misdeeds. Penitence.

Opposite of contrition - impenitence, hardness of heart.



Jeremiah 29:13 - And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Whole -hearted - Under taken with sincerity and energy. Sincere.

Opposite of whole-heartedness - deceitful, insincere, false.



Mark 11:24 -Therefore i say unto you, Whatsoever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Faith - A confident belief in the truth, value or trustworthiness, as of a person, idea or thing. Trust.

Opposite of faith -unbelief, doubt, rejection.



James 5:16 -Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Righteousness - Meeting the standards of what is right and just; morally right; guiltless. Moral.

Opposite of righteousness - unjust, unrighteous, immoral, wrong, sinful, corrupt.



I John 3:22 -And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.

Obedience-Acceptance of authority. The quality of being obedient. Dutiful, Compliant.

Opposite of obedience - disobedient, defiant, lawless, insubordinate, rude, contemptuous.


The effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much


Effectual prayer is when you are focused on Jesus, as you pray, not allowing distractions to disrupt your concentration on your communion with Jesus Christ.


You know whom you are praying to, and you know he hears you when you pray. You have faith he will answer because you know fully, and factually who Jesus is, you know his great love for you, so you can trust he will work in your behalf when you pray.


Effectual fasting isn't just doing without food. It's when you replace eating natural food with reading the Word of God and praying. You are feasting on spiritual food.

~ Joan Jessalyn Cox












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Jesus Abundant Hope
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