Can The Church Be Revived?    


What can revive the church? To revive the church, Christians from around the world must come together in sincere prayer in one mind and one accord, to be brought up to their spiritual best by the Holy Spirit, to fulfill their own ministry.


What will the Great Revival accomplish? It will finish the work Jesus was sent here to do. The revival will be a great outpouring  of the Holy Spirit, with signs following, revealing the power of Jesus Christ, through his people, for his glory. The Great Revival will be the last call for repentance to the apostate (backslidden) church to restore them into the full fellowship with the Lord and perfect them for his imminent return. The Great Revival will also be the final call to all who have never met Jesus Christ and are lost in their sins.


What is the purpose of the Church? The purpose of the body of Christ is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through out the world, through teaching, edifying and exhorting the Church. The purpose of the church is to come into the fullness of the righteousness, holiness, and to understand the truth of Jesus Christ. Then to show the world what it's like to see the perfect expression of Jesus personality shining through his beloved children, in His Righteousness.

His purpose is for His children to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ, and his forgiveness of sins, to a sinful world.


When did the Church come into existence? The church came into existence on the day of Pentecost when the disciples came together in one mind and one accord to pray. The endtime revival will be similar in that it will come through sincere prayer, and a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit, as his children unite in one mind and one accord in prayer.


Who comprises the Church? the church is comprised of everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Everyone who recognizes that Jesus died for their sins, and arose again on the third day, and lives forevermore.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.


When will the church be revived? The Great Revival will not come through human unction, but by the power of the Holy Ghost. The church will be revived when Jesus by his Holy Spirit moves upon people to renounce their sins, and they begin to move in their ministry, that is given to every Christian by the Holy Spirit. The endtime revival will begin in God's perfect time. The Holy Spirit will perfect Christians in order to make them ready to go to heaven at Jesus Christ's return.



  • Prayer - We must fellowship with Jesus Christ, through reading his Word and prayer. By communicating with him continuously, prayer will move you into the powerful flow of the Holy spirit, in order to be ready to move when God moves on you.


  • Love - The revival of the Church depends on God's pure, holy, compassionate love, and loving kindness. The Love of Jesus Christ, compels sinners to repent.


  • Forgiveness - The Church must show mercy to hurting people, and the compassion to forgive them as Jesus forgave them.


  • Sincere desire - The Church must sincerely hunger and thirst after righteousness. Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. That infilling of the righteousness of God, will make you desire to witness for Jesus Christ, you will want to minister to others with your spiritual gifts, you will want to live and act like Jesus did while he lived in his physical body, by doing good as Jesus did, everywhere he went.


  • A perfect understanding of the Word of God - On how the Church was built, for what purpose, and how the righteous principles of Jesus Christ must be the shining light for sinners to see Jesus as the perfect role model for a pure, and holy life.


  • True Repentance of all sins will bring the Church back into position for this last outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  Freedom from the guilt and shame of unrepentant sins, will help the believer to be receptive and obedient, to the effective working of the Word of  God by the Holy Spirit in their lives.


  • A complete understanding of who God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) is.


  • A reviving of the born again human spirit, by the Holy Spirit in believers. So they will want to see sinners repent and come into the full knowledge of our righteous God. Christians objective should be "no sinner left behind."


  • The endtime revival will not start by human unction, but through the full flow of the Holy Spirit, resurrecting the Body of Christ. The endtime revival will get Christians all fired up, and ready to go home to heaven. It will be the revival that will be experienced around the world, as the prodigal children to God will return to the Lord, who saved them. The Great Revival will compel people who have never met Jesus Christ, to accept Him and His awesome love, and to flow fully into His loving arms. As the Holy Spirit quickens believers, and empowers them with the spiritual power and fire, that began on Pentecost, when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, to be the Teacher and Comforter for his children.


 Repentance is an act of humility, strictly between the individual and the Holy Spirit, as he reveals to the individual where they trespassed his laws and how to repent. No one else in involved, it's  completely a private prayer in love between the father and the child. Conviction of sin is a sovereign act of God, through the Holy Spirit, that will bring an errant child back to Jesus Christ.





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