Expect The Great Revival


 The Last Great Revival will be the "holy ground" experience because of God's Presence

 There have been two other revivals in Christian history that have experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to the magnitude that will be experienced during the final results of Christianity, before Jesus Christ return. Both of those Great Revivals empowered the Church to accomplish the next phase in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

 The Great Revival has to be prepared for by the "fallow ground" experience. Christians being prepared for the blessing of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

 The "fallow ground" experience begins with the prayer power that must come forth from the heart of all Christians from around the world. A heart-felt prayer is deeper and truer that one that comes from a ritualistic, oft repeated, prayer. A heart-felt prayer is sincere and meaningful, it flows from the depth of your heart and soul to Jesus Christ.

 Christians must be cultivated or made "fallow" to be receptive to the truth of God's word and to be made ready to receive the word, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

 Through sincere prayer, honest soul searching, and reading God's word, Christians will be dealt with by The Holy Spirit. That soul searching will reveal to the believer what spiritual state (condition), they are currently in. It will produce, through seeing ones own transgressions, a contrite and repentant spirit. When the individual believer accepts what the Holy Spirit reveals, and repents, it produces a humility in them, so they can yield to the complete Holy Spirit power, in order to be brought into the place of being able to stand in the presence of God, "the holy ground experience."

 Being "contrite and humble" in the spirit is to bring you into compliance with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

 The Last Great Revival, will first deal with the Christians, allowing the Holy Spirit and word of God to cleanse them from all spot's, wrinkles and blemishes of sin, in their life.

 When sinners, who have never accepted Christ before, accept the Lord to be saved, during this Great Revival it will take all Christians help in ministering to the new "babes" in Christ. In that last outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Christians will experience phenomenal spiritual growth, and be able to minister within their spiritual gifts to others.

 Christians will be able to minister to the millions that will come to Jesus Christ, after they have been made stronger, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during The Great Revival.

 Now is the time for all Christians to pray for the Great Revival, the endtime second Pentecost. Pentecost showed us what it takes to be in "God's presence," to surrender carnal control, and allow the flow of God's Holy Spirit to move without human hindrances.

 It takes a person, accepting that all human control in God's work, and in their own lives is so completely inefficient and weak, in striking contrast to the awesome power of our Almighty God.

 When we finally accept Almighty God in the fullness of his power and grace, we finally surrender all to him, and then experience a Great Revival, such as we've never seen before. All because we finally "get it" that to walk with God, is to live a righteous life with a contrite spirit and a humble, honest, heart according to his loving guidance in the Scriptures.

 When we finally meet his righteous requirements, we will worship Jesus Christ in "spirit and in truth" and move into the "holy ground" experience, into the presence of God.

  We will be made ready for Jesus Christ's triumphant return after the demonstration of the complete powerful authority of the Holy Spirit as He governs The Last Great Revival.

 The Body of Christ will be anxiously waiting, and watching, for His Rapturous, Second Coming to take his children home to heaven.

 The Great Revival will wrap up all the loose ends of the Christian experience here on earth, all the lost sheep, will be brought into the fold, and sinners who have never experienced God's Grace, (His favor and pure love) will answer the final call to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.


The revelation of the final Great Revival was given to me, over the last few months, and began with the Lord giving to me that his word needed to be taught more "accurately". He said for me to "stay true to the truth."


The Lord gave to me that the Church was weak, and in a backslidden condition, because of sin, and that sinful intrusion happened because of the lack of teaching, and preaching the word of God in full strength, "meat of the word." This did not mean in harshness, or judgmental hardness of heart, or in self-righteousness, it meant to keep to the profound word, and deliver it in tender love of God.


It was given to me, by the Holy Spirit revelation, that the message of the gospel had three things that must be utilized to be ministered according to His will, and truth.

 It must be the right message (God's message, inspired by the Holy Spirit

 Ministered for the right reason (Love and concern for God's children)

And with the right delivery (In the tender mercy of God's love, not in arrogant self-importance)

Then the Lord gave me the "fallow ground" revelation, through an illustration.


We were traveling down a road, and out in a nearby field a tractor with an extra wide rake was plowing a field with perfect furrows in the ground. The Lord quietly spoke two words to me, "fallow ground" as I continued to watch the tractor moving slowly across the field, it continued to cut precise rows in the ground.


At that particular moment, I had no idea where understanding what the "fallow ground" lesson would move me into, or what I was being taught as the Holy Spirit gradually over many months unfolded what he wanted me to see.


The Holy Spirit told me that Christians had to be "prepared for blessings", that they were ill-prepared for the "spiritual warfare" they were currently in. That many have neglected to form the basic foundation, on which to stand during the evil time we live in.


Christians need to understand that Jesus Christ is a personal God, who hears each prayer his children pray, and the greatest source of the power of God, is through those prayers.


Prayers, prayed sincerely, from the heart, are so effectual, that the more time spent in prayer, and the more Christians that pray (united prayer, whether individually, or in a group) the greater power and presence of God in power is seen in the results. (whether individually means you are physically alone, but united with others praying for the same thing, at the same time)


The key to all the expression of God's power is found in one word, to be "sincere" in prayer, repentance, and ministry. When you pray you are talking to God, be humble, don't try to brag about how good you've been, because Jesus knows the very intentions of your heart. You are talking to Almighty God, accept Him in His fullness, He has created everything that has ever been created in heaven and on earth.


It's time to have complete faith in Jesus Christ, the only one you can fully trust.


The "Holy Ground experience" is the full power of God, when He comes into your presence, like he did on Mount Sinai when he gave the "ten commandment law" to Moses. When he told him to take off his shoes he was standing on "Holy Ground."


The full power an presence of God was felt at Pentecost, "and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and if filled all the house where they were sitting."


The final Great Revival, will be the "holy ground experience." It will be brought forth by all the Children of God from around the world sincerely praying for the Revival. The Great Revival will strengthen and empower Christians to minister, as the Lord gives them their functioning place in the Body of Christ. They will be given the understanding and spiritual power to operate in their God-give gifts, as they are moved onto God's agenda, by the Holy Spirit.


Christians, will be moved upon, revived, restored, and made spiritually operational during the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, during the last revival. Everything that God manifest during these last days before Jesus Christ returns will be to fulfill the plans and purposes of God.


The Great Revival is the name the Holy Spirit gave me for the final outpouring of his Holy Spirit, and the presence of God in the midst of his people. The revival will not come through human will nor his devices, if will be a total rising up by the Holy Spirit, in His chosen time, according to His will and His way.


The Great Revival is the wrapping up of all Christianity, to bring Christians into the place Jesus always intended they should be. The Great Revival will show to Christians and the world, the full power of Jesus Christ before he returns to catch away his people into heaven.


It will be a celebration time during the Harvest, because the bride of Jesus Christ, his body of believers on earth, will be making themselves ready to return with Jesus Christ to the marriage supper of the Lamb.


Millions of sinners will be called into the fold, before Jesus Christ returns, and all of his body of believers will be needed to witness and work with the new Christians. Every Christian will be needed in their ministry.


There are millions of Christians from around the world that believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.


The Holy Spirit, will move on his people from around the world, stirring them into repentance, praise and worship, sincere prayer, and will bring them into a full recognition of who Jesus Christ is, in His fullness. They will begin to move into that close relationship with the Lord before He returns, and begin to feel that uplifting exultation preceding Jesus Christ return.


When Jesus reveals himself in the clouds, to take us out of this wicked world, all eyes of the saints will behold Him as the trumpet sounds, their triumphant excitement rises as they see Jesus Christ and the heavenly host of angels,  and all heaven rejoices at our homecoming.

                                                                                                                ~ Joan Jessalyn Cox








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