Spiritually Uplifting Poetry

This Poetry page is to bless all Christians with your view of the wonderful blessings you've seen while serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord is gracious to his children and He has blessed you with your own unique insight to the wonder of serving him, and the world you see through discerning eyes.




The Lord is our provider.

Psalms 23:1-2  The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

Our Good Shepherd is tender with His sheep.

Isaiah 40:11  He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

Jesus our sacrificial lamb, gave his life for us.

John 10:11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.


              I Met The Master 

I had walked life's way with an easy tread.  

Had followed where comforts and pleasures led.

Until one day in a quiet place

I met the master face to face.


I had built my castles and reared them high

Till their towers pierced the blue of the sky.

I swore I'd rule with an iron mace

Till I met the Master face to face.


With station and rank and wealth for my goal,

Much thought for my body but none for my soul,

I had entered to win in life's mad race,

When I met the Master face to face.


I met Him and knew Him and I blushed to see

That His eyes full of sorrow were fixed on me;

And I faltered and fell at His feet that day,

While my castles melted and vanished away.


Melted and vanished and in their place

Naught else did I see but the Master's face.                                          

And I cried aloud, "Oh make me meet

To follow the steps of Thy wounded feet."


My thought is now for the souls of men,

I have lost my life to find it again,

E'er since one day in a quiet place

I met the Master face to face.

~ Author Unknown


             Footprints of an Angel


The footprints of an angel                                                    "There shall no evil befall thee,

Are with you on this day                                                        neither shall any plague come nigh

To hold your hand, wipe your tears                                       thy dwelling. For he shall give his

To listen as you pray.                                                            angels charge over thee, to keep

                                                                                              thee in all thy ways."

It is alright to mourn and grieve                                                              Psalms 91:10 & 11 KJV

It's something  we must do

So that our hearts may start to heal

From the pain that we've been through.


The footprints of an angel

Are somewhat like a guide

They help us know within our hearts

We have Jesus by our side.


So when you feel you're all alone

No one else can comfort you

Remember to have strength and pray

Because Jesus loves you too.

                                 ~ Rita Reynolds          


 The 23rd Psalm for Busy People


The Lord is my pacesetter I shall not rush,

He makes me to stop and rest for short intervals

He provides me with images of stillness,

Which restores my serenity.

He leads me in the way of efficiency through

calmness of mind,

And His guidance is peace.


Even though I have a great many things

to accomplish each day

And crisis may pile upon crisis

I will not fall apart for His presence is here,

His timelessness, His all importance will

keep me in balance.


He prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity.

He anoints my mind with His oils of inspiration, my cup overflows

Surely harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruit of my hours.

For I shall walk in the peace of the Lord and dwell in his house forever.

~ Author Unknown









Road Block

God's will was not canceled when you hit a roadblock!

Take a U turn on Prayer Lane and stop and Pray!

God's green light to Go is ahead, only in His direction, not yours!




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