

Jesus Abundant Hope Evangelistic Ministries is a 100% faith based ministry. This means we are completely dependent upon Almighty God and his faithful followers to fund every area of this ministry.


" Every man according as he purposed in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."  2 Corinthians 9:7


Please give as God blessed you. This is between you and God. If you can't give monetarily this time around, give in a special way to God in prayer, for us, yourself and others in need. This isn't about money, it's about thankfulness. God will bless you as you bless others.


If you aren't able to give right now please don't feel guilty! Your first obligation is to give to your church, not to any other ministry. Give only to those who minister truth to you, to help you serve God, according to his commandments. These Bible studies, and article lessons, are offered "free of charge" so that you can learn without any barriers or obligations.


If you are from another country and find it impossible to give online, no problem. Please give something to the poor where you are as an offering to the Lord. That will be a blessing to them and to the Lord's heart.


Why should you give? Your donations to Jesus Abundant Hope Evangelistic Ministries make it possible for us to continue to provide the Online Christian Training, Church and Community for the purpose of bringing unity to the body of Christ.


We desire to exhort, encourage and enable Christians from around the world to function effectively in their ministries. The teaching and preaching are intended to produce the "fallow ground" that helps the Christian Community to be receptive to the word of God, to sincerely pray for one another, and to be ready for the move of the Holy Spirit, in the last Great Revival.


Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Be assured your donations go toward meeting the expenses of the work of the Lord through this ministry.


We are a registered Non-Profit and therefore all donations will be 100% tax deductible.  We will send you a receipt for your donation by mail. 


We are not yet set up to accept donations electronically.  When we are able to accept donations online, you will be able to print off a receipt.


At this time, if you would like to give to this ministry you can send your offering to the following address.


Jesus Abundant Hope Evangelistic Ministries

P.O. Box 1062

Anderson, Missouri 64831-9287


May God Bless you for your love gift, whether its money or prayer both are equally needed.

Thank You Very Much.

Sincere in the Lord's Service,

  ~  Evangelist T.L. Cox and Joan Jessalyn Cox


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Jesus Abundant Hope
P.O. Box 1062
Anderson, MO

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